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My Father's Love, Volume I:, Portrait of the Poet as a Girl; and My Father's Love, Volume II: Portrait of the Poet as a Woman

"My soul looks back," James Baldwin said, "and wonders how I got over."

In Volume I of the memoir, My Father's Love, Portrait of the Poet as a Young Girl, Sharon Doubiago writes of her childhood in Southern California, revealing her identity as the author of an acclaimed story on incest.

Volume II of her memoir, My Father's Love, Portrait of the Poet as a Woman reveals the legacy of her father's sexual and psychological abuse that continued throughout his life and the toxic effects it has had on the lives of everyone in the family. How family secrets ripple through succeeding generations with devastating results, how family myths become more powerful than truth, how they are maintained at any cost, and how denial blinds us to what we do not want to, or cannot bear to see.